
Your business needs to have the most appropriate technological tools according to its profile, projection and budget.

We can help you develop solutions.

Our team is specialized in the implementation of policies, procedures and controls aligned to different control frameworks and regulations such as SOX404, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, COBIT, ITIL, NIST, and Banking regulations in Latin America as well. We cooperate in the development, support and implementation of strategies that reduce the risks to which traditional Information Technologies and new generations, that are associated with their operations are exposed, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

Compliance is a security problem?

In the face of data breaches and new technology-centric regulation have led to security teams being more responsible for compliance tasks.

As with all security processes, automation and visibility are key needs to ensure that control validation and remediation of non-compliance are efficient, documented, and easily managed.

Organizations that implement frameworks or are governed by regulations such as GDPR, NIST, NERC, FISMA, or PCI-DSS are all required to maintain asset inventories that detail the location, accessibility, patch level, and ownership of the assets. These requirements cover all digital assets, including those that exist outside the firewall and outside traditional vulnerability scanning technologies. However, you can’t mitigate what you don’t see.

We can provide automated discovery and intelligence on internet-facing assets connected to a business, allowing security teams to pinpoint exposures and reduce an organization’s digital attack surface. After discovery, we can provides faster prioritization of remediation activities through the correlation of exposed digital assets, vulnerabilities, and security gaps.

The comprehensive inventory, advanced analytics, and up-to-date details about external assets gives organizations the confidence that they will have visibility into external assets and be audit-ready.